Site updated: 3/3/2025
© 2025 Golden State Squares
Golden State Squares
Here are answers to questions people often ask us:
How much do classes and dances cost?
Presently, Golden State Squares charges $10 per dance class, for 2-
Is there a dress code?
No! Shorts, jeans and T-
What if I don't have a partner?
The nice thing about square dancing is that you don't need a steady partner. Most of the time you will be dancing with different people with each tip. Plus, many dancers are able to dance either lead or follow. The protocol is to simply fill the square wherever there is an opening. This is a great way to meet people.
What if I'm a klutz and can't dance?
We hear this one a lot. Square dancing does not require special dance ability. This is not ballet! If you can walk and know your left from your right, you can square dance! It is not uncommon to feel uncoordinated at times. Because a square is dependent on eight people, there are ample opportunities for the square to break down and opportunities to recover it. That's what makes it fun.
Class instruction will give you plenty of practice. Also, there are experienced dancers, called Angels, there to help you through. Your primary challenge is to keep your concentration while having a good time.
What is the relative mix of men and women?
Demographics varies with each club, primarily based on geographic location. We are not aware of any published metrics on this topic. There are no gay-
The only demographic group targeted by Golden State Squares is "gay friendly" people. This has resulted in a wonderfully diverse club membership. With regards to gender, our group is evenly split between men and women, and has been for several years. The leadership of the club is similarly split.
What is a "fly-
Various clubs around the country sponsor special weekend-
Since Golden State Squares is based in Orange County, California, we have the opportunity to attend several excellent fly-
What is the international convention?
Think of the convention as the ultimate fly-
Some of the venues in recent years have included Washington DC, Cleveland, Denver, Anaheim, Santa Clara and Phoenix. Please visit the IAGSDC web site for a list of upcoming conventions.
What is the IAGSDC?
This acronym stands for International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs. Essentially, it is an organization comprised of gay square dance clubs from around the country (and the world). Rather than try to explain its mission here, check out their web site at